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if you live in brooklyn or  queens and you think that potential microbial growth may exist in your property or if you apartment got flooded and you see a fuzzy growth on your walls it is most likely that you you have mold problem and you will need a professional to handle that project. black mold or toxic mold it is the most popular spores and the most dangerous. we at brooklyn mold removal & inspections have the proper tools and years of dealing and repairing flooded basements and restoring water damaged homes. is you need emergency water damage and mold removal in brooklyn call us today and we will do the rest! if your basement of apartment has more then 10 Sqf of suspect mold growth according to state laws professional mold remediation is required d’ont do it yourself and save time and money by hiring the right restoration company like brooklyn mold removal & inspection we have all the equipment and knowledge to clean and eliminate aspergillus penicillium and stachybotrys  species from private houses and local businesses safe and quick with minimum property damage and top machinery and air filtration devices included HEPA filters and commercial grades dehumidifiers. how does mold spread? mold gives off spores, which are like microscopic seeds. mold spores generally 2-10 microns in diameter , which means they cannot be seen by naked eye.mold spores are ubiquitous in nature. they are found in air all around the world including both indoor and outdoor air.when landing on the a surface with the right conditions the spore will grow into a colony which can see with a naked eye.

mold removal service brooklyn

mold assessor looking for visible mold growth in brooklyn NY
